
Showing posts from September, 2022

What is Marketing? 25 Experts Define it in One Sentence

People have been using digital media to enhance their marketing for decades. Digital marketing was popularized in the early 2000s, but digital marketing has been around much longer. Digital marketing also provides access to more data and analytics about your customers, how they navigate the buying cycle, and what they want. Maybe you think you have a local store, so you don’t need to worry about digital marketing. Even if your B2B company doesn't make direct use of TikTok, it can still learn something about event marketing from the popular social platform. The most important thing to remember about digital marketing and inbound marketing is that as a marketing professional, you don’t have to choose between the 2. Inbound marketing provides structure and purpose for effective digital marketing to digital marketing efforts, making sure that each digital marketing channel works toward a goal. Digital marketing and inbound marketing are easily confused, and for good reason. Digital